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My name is Samantha, and I am currently a Junior in high school. This website was created as a final element for a capstone project that I am putting together for a program that I am involved in at my school. In this program, I get to travel for two class periods during my standard school day to a local elementary school. There, I work with a first grade teacher and her students. Working with this class has been such a wonderful and valuable experience for me, and I have learned so much, not only about this career but about myself as well!


Heading into this internship, I figured that things in the classroom would be challenging, yet rewarding at the same time. I was definitely right about that! While I do have some very fun times with my class, there are also some struggles that we encounter. I have noticed that some students in my class tend to fall behind the rest, and it is not because of their intellectual abilites. I realize that genetic factors definitely play a role in the academic successes of a student; however, I have noticed that issues in the areas of self confidence and parental involvement also contribute to a child's ability to thrive. These realizations have prompted me to do some research as to why some students learn and retain information at a faster rate than others. With the information that I discover through this research, I hope to impact, encourage, and transform the lives of students who are falling behind in school. It is a goal of mine for each and every student to realize that they are capable of doing anything that they set their minds to. I want students everywhere to have a high level of self-confidence, and I want each student prosper in all of their future endeavors.


Hopefully as you begin to navigate this website, you will be able to identify certain aspects of your child's life that can be enhanced or modified in order for them to reach their full academic potential. If we begin to act now, together can make a difference in our communities, and we can change the lives of our students for the better.


Thank you for your time!


*For more information, visit my blog at






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